November 7 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Please join us for lunch at 12:30 at the fabled NOHO Star, 330 Lafayette Street at the corner of Bleeker, followed by a 2pm tour of Lower East Side Galleries, with a focus on Scandinavian artists. Art advisor Anita Alvin Nilert will guide us through what has quickly become a hub of the Contemporary art scene in New York. We will visit a number of galleries where we will have short presentations and be introduced to various artists’ work.
The tour will begin at 2:00 pm sharp at Galerie Zurcher, 33 Bleeker Street with an exhibition of work from the 1970’s and 80’s by Regina Bogat, an artist way ahead of her time (born 1928 in Brooklyn). Then we will visit Turn gallery where Swedish photographer Helene Schmitz has a solo exhibition. The owner, Annika Peterson, will greet us and also show some of her father’s work: Gösta Petersen’s fabulous fashion photography from the 50’s 60’s 70’s.
We will make a few select gallery stops on the way to Nicelle Beauchene Gallery where Danish artist Alexander Tovborg is participating in a group show.We will also visit Mitchell Algus Gallery, to see work by Swedish Cajsa von Zeipel and Anna Uddenberg.
In a surprise addition, after the tour we have been invited to visit the studios of Swedish artists Matthias van Arkel and Anders Krisár!
You may want to visit the New Museum at 235 Bowery before or after our tour.
Please RSVP by November 5 so we get an idea of how many are coming.
Members: free
Non-members: $10 donation (Not a member? Click here to join today.)
(Everyone will pay lunch on their own)